A Hope to Save Nature

As glaciers and polar ice caps melt across the globe due to increasing carbon emissions that trap heat in the atmosphere and overall warms up the climates of the world, animals lost their families and their homes.  Global warming is currently a controversial topic about the heating of Earth’s climate done mechanically.  This increase in temperature is causing a myriad of animals who make their homes in certain climates to be disrupted, uprooted, or even becoming endangered.  Polar bears are one of the most affected species threatened by the changing climates.  Their homes in the on the Arctic Sea ice melts, so they lose their families as their ice habitats float further apart.  In addition, swimming in the ocean becomes more dangerous as the travels are longer distances.  If only people understood that our actions are causing their families harm, which in our law should be animal cruelty.  The population of the polar bears decrease drastically as it is affected by global warming and its impacts on ice caps and glaciers.

While glacier animals such as the polar bears are affected by climate changes, marine animals also feel the wrath of the snowball effects.   Salmon, a fish the primordially lives by streams and rivers in freshwater, lose their chances of survival and temperature increases.  With a hotter atmosphere, the ocean also rises with heat that causes salmon to face more predators, diseases, and new migrating habits that will kill them.  Furthermore, the carbon dioxide in the air acidify the water and dissolve the shells of mollusks, a food resource for salmon.  As the fight for survival gets harder, more and more salmon will fall victim to starvation and death.  These animals are important to sea life and many cultures who striven off of the fish, and should be treasured as an important part of history.  Moreover, the heat is also disrupting salmon’s path to reproduction as it becomes more of a challenged to climb up rivers to lay their eggs.  Global warming is also endangering the ocean life of nature.

Polar bears and salmon are a few of the plethora of animals of nature affected the impacting effects of global warming.  Because of factories spewing out chemicals such as carbon dioxide and cars releasing carbon emissions, the atmosphere has become a hotter climate.  As a result, animals lose their homes, families, and sometimes their lives.  Most animals are punished by the lack of environmental care for the wildlife.   Changes to the industry must be made to save the nature that provides us with beauty and life.  These animals are apart of the nature that we must preserve.  In the future, there must be hope that there will be reformations to aid this cause.


http://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Threats-to-Wildlife/Global-Warming/Effects-on-Wildlife-and-Habitat.aspx https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=strict&q=glacier+amount+in+antarctica

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